Barry Stockton
A light is from our household gone. A voice we loved is still.
Date passed: 16th of April 2021
Funeral date: 28th of April 2021

“A light is from our household gone. A voice we loved is still.”
Barry sadly passed away at Leighton Hospital on 16th April 2021 aged 81 years.
The beloved Husband of Cilla, Devoted Dad of Kev & Mick, Cherished Grandad of Kelly, Bec, Sean, Thomas, Georgia & Great Grandad of Bobby, Ryan, Lacey-Mai, Amelia, Ava, Freya, Jacob & Willow.
Barry’s Funeral took place on Wednesday 28th April 2021 at Crewe Crematorium Chapel.
Donations in memory of Barry are being collected for St Luke’s Hospice & also The Air Ambulance.
For further information about Barry’s funeral, and to offer your condolences, please contact our Funeral Home on 01270 584447.
We are celebrating a life that was full of fun and love, a life lived confidently and wholeheartedly, but while recognising a huge sadness and loss.
So today there is great celebration of life, and yet deep grief.
Let me briefly tell you why I think this life was a celebration.
Baz had massive love in his life, love for Cilla, love for his 2 sons and their wives Debbie and Mandy who saw him as their father not father-in-law (even though they had no choice as I was told!!!), his grandchildren, great grandchildren, for nephews and nieces.
All this massively reciprocated. And as we talk about love being reciprocated, let’s celebrate the love Cilla had for Baz over roughly 60 years. You can see the love in her face in the picture taken on their wedding day. That love did not falter as Baz’s health has declined in recent times. She has been there for him every inch of the way. But now she has lost the love of her life. We are all there for you, Cilla. You are the perfect example of a loving faithful spouse.
Love has an eternal dimension. A million love songs tell you that. It reminds us that there is always more to life than one might expect.
You can’t beat love as the supreme emotion. It makes the world go round. It makes families. It gives hope to the world. And love takes many forms – love of people generally was evident in Baz’s life, and many of those of you here today are testimony to that. Another example of Baz’s love is the support he and the family generally have given to St Luke’s Hospice, and Baz’s interest in the Air Ambulance and don’t forget his love for his dogs!!
Another reason for celebration is Baz’s determination and sense of purpose in life. He fought against the cancer that started in 2016 which was expected to kill him, and he WON! We all have to succumb to something eventually, but for Baz it wasn’t going to be cancer. The specialist called him “Mr Miracle Man”. In life he got things done! Not as soon as some like Cilla might have wished but he got there in the end. Apparently most Christmases the house smelled of paint. Why? Because he had promised to paint the house by Christmas and it was a last minute job.
A third point to make is that Baz lived his life to the full. Humour, a laugh a minute, always a story to tell, darts, sport, fishing. You name it and he probably had done it. That is called living! Not hankering after what might have been or the impossible dream. Living now, and being content.
So, you can all be better people for having known Baz. There is sadness, yes of course. But there is celebration. And he lives on in hearts and memories and in future generations. Those who love him hope to see him again, and I believe they will.