Brian Frow
“Loves Last Gift: Remberance”
Date passed: 6th of May 2022
Funeral date: 24th of May 2022

“Loves Last Gift: Remberance”
Brian passed away peacefully at Leighton Hospital on 6th May 2022 aged 91 Years.
Devoted Father, Grandfather & Great Grandfather.
His funeral took place at Crewe Crematorium Chapel on Tuesday 24th May at 2.45pm.
Family flowers only.
Donations gratefully received for CAFOD Ukraine Appeal.
For further information and to offer your condolences, please telephone our funeral home on 01270 584447
Brian was the middle son of Harold and Florence Frow and was very close to his brothers, Derek,
and Roger. He was born in Grimsby, a town on the south bank of the Humber Estuary, on 19th
August 1930 and went to school at Wintringham Grammar there. Here he met his best friend,
Pete, and they remained friends for many years.
After school, Brian went to Bradford to train as a pharmacist before spending two compulsory
years of national service at Bordon Military Camp, where he was able to continue his work as a
pharmacist. Once this was over, he returned to Grimsby, to work at Boots the Chemist, a company
which was by now a familiar sight on many high streets.
During his leisure time, Brian enjoyed walks in the local countryside, and it was as a member of a
local Ramblers’ Association in Grimsby that he met Maureen. They got chatting, fell in love, and
were married in the spring of 1956. Son David followed the next year. His father could sometimes
be a hard taskmaster and, as he worked six days a week, there was not a great deal of leisure time,
but David remembers Sunday walks together as a family, which provided a refreshing respite from
the toils of the week.
The family then moved to Denton, near Manchester, as Brian got a new job at the Ardwick branch
of Boots. Then in 1966 came Brian’s appointment as the manager of the Nantwich branch, and he
worked there until his retirement in 1989. He was well known figure in the town, especially for all
the sound advice dispensed as a pharmacist.
Sadly, things did not quite work out for Brian and Maureen, but he later found happiness with
Margaret and after they were married on 15th July 1981, welcomed her daughter Adeline into the
family. Adeline recalls many happy holidays to Holland: they would drive down to Harwich, then,
as the public transport was so good, go across as foot-passengers. They explored lots of different
places and often came back from the street markets loaded with goodies they had picked up
Brian and Margaret enjoyed weekends away with his German friend, Uli and his wife. Uli had a
friend with a cottage in Bala, and the chance to fish for eels was never one to pass up! They also
appreciated out of season holidays to caravan parks. These offered an opportunity to spend the
day out, exploring the local towns and country houses, and the Lake District was a particular
favourite. There was also the occasional cruise, such as the Mediterranean one they took with
Margaret’s mother.
When granddaughter, Rebecca came along, Brian and Margaret loved spending time with her, and
often looked after her in her early years. They would go for long walks by the canal and took lots
of video footage of her dancing in the various outfits in which they had dressed her. Once she
started school, they would collect her one day each week and take her home for her tea.
Grandsons Jamie and later William arrived, and after Margaret’s death, when Adeline’s family
moved to Stratford-upon-Avon, Brian continued to make regular visits to spend time with them.
Christmas there was an important time for him, and he would always insist on going to the local
carol service, and to midnight mass, when he was able. Adeline managed to take lots of sneaky
pictures of him too when he had fallen asleep on the sofa!
In his retirement Brian joined the Nantwich branch of Probus, an organisation for retired and
semi-retired gentlemen from professional and business backgrounds. Their aim is to provide
opportunities for retired people to widen their circle of friends and activities. Brian attended their
regular meetings with speakers and took an active part in their full social programme as long as he
was able.
With Margaret’s influence, Brian converted to Catholicism and once he was a widower, was
pleased to be confirmed in 2006 and to become a regular communicant. He was a valued member
of the 9:00 am choir at St Mary’s church in Crewe and enjoyed a trip to Walsingham with them.
His love of music was reflected in his excellent sound system and extensive collection of CDs, and
he and Margaret were regular listeners to Friday Night is Music Night. This long-running live BBC
radio concert programme features many types of light music, including classical, film and theatre
music as well as songs from musicals, opera, and operetta. Brian was particularly fond of Die
Fledermaus and The Merry Widow. He was always keen to attend the Nantwich Summer
Lunchtime Concerts at St Mary’s Church and was a familiar figure dashing through the town on his
mobility scooter!
For many years, Brian provided the technical expertise for music sessions at the local U3A. He set
up and operated all the equipment required and organised all the playlists. He was quite at home
with all the latest technology such as iPads!
Brian will be remembered by many in Nantwich as a lovely, kind, and gentle man. His family and
his many friends at Probus, St Mary’s Church and Choir, and at the Cheshire Cheese pub, where he
enjoyed a quiet pint, will miss him, but memories of him will live on.
May he rest in peace.