Carl Keith Luson
"The loss is immeasurable but so is the love left behind."
Date passed: 27th of March 2021
Funeral date: 8th of April 2021

“The loss is immeasurable but so is the love left behind.”
Carl passed away in the care of Leighton Hospital on the 27th March 2021, aged 60 years.
He will be very sadly missed by all his family & friends.
A service to celebrate Carl’s life will be held at Crewe Crematorium Chapel on Thursday 8th April
Donations will be gratefully received on behalf of Air Ambulance.
For any further information please contact our funeral home on 01270 584447.
Carl was a caring husband to Clare and dad to Becky, Rachel, Gabby and Jenny, a
father-in-law to Adam, a brother, uncle, a lifelong friend to John Maguire and drinking
buddy to many especially at Albert’s Corner where he always sat at the same table
surrounded by one of his hundreds of ipads, his phone and laptop and Clare thinks
the family may well have a plaque made for his regular spot, a fitting tribute to say
“reserved spot for Carl!” And he was vocal to say the least about kids being in the
As he left home with his techie gadgets under his arm, he would often quip he was
off to visit his favourite place, the library or Starbucks! He was apparently incredibly
tech savvie and the first one in the family, if not in Crewe to have air pods although he
did get one stuck in his ear once and had to get it out with tweezers!
Lockdown was a total disaster not only for him but for his family too, it meant he was
home all the time! He was horrified when pubs were shut, he could not believe it
when he realised the doors were actually closed. In total disgust at the situation, he
posted a couple of messages on Boris Johnson’s facebook profile, one of which
Boris, you are not what I expected you to be – no more support from me!
Carl was extremely sarcastic by nature, his small grandchildren have memories of
his mischievous ways and how he used to teach the naughty tricks.
Carl was the eldest son of Keith and Hazel Luson he was born on 31st March 1960.
He started his life at Totty’s Hall where he lived and went to school. The family then
moved to 15 Fanshaw walk where he enjoyed living for many happy years. Family
holidays were spent in Caravans in North Wales. Carl was very close to his Gran
Elsie and he was often regarded as the favourite, getting away with things that the
others couldn’t. He had two brothers Tony and Philip, and one sister Mandy.
He attended Bedford Street and throughout the years made some great friends.
Philip remembers when they were youngsters, their dad Keith always worked on
cars and took Carl to a scrap yard one morning. When they got back home, their
mum thought Carl was being quiet and so started to look for him, only to find him in
the bedroom smashing up his cars! She said “Carl what are you doing” his reply was
“playing scrap yards mum, its ok dad can fix them”.
Philip remembered that if anything in the house went missing it was under Carl’s
bed, he just wanted to see if he could fix them.
Growing up Carl had a passion for motorbikes as did his dad Keith, Tony and Philip.
He was very practical and as he got older, he was always in the garage with his dad
fixing cars, in fact that’s how all three boys earnt their pocket money. Sadly, Keith
died suddenly in 1998 and Carl missed him dreadfully.
He became a local at South street, the Raven and the NUR and would enjoy many
eventful nights with friends.
At the age of sixteen, Carl first started his apprenticeship at Crewe works and went
on to qualify as a fitter in the Ten Shop. After a few years, Carl moved to Fodens
and eventually finished his career at Bentley motors taking early release in
September 2020. Throughout his career he achieved many qualifications in
Carl was a bit of a joker, one time he took his brother Tony out for a ride on the back
of his bike. On their way round Tony started to tap carl on his back and Carl thought
he meant to go faster so of course he did. When they returned home, Carl realised
Tony’s helmet wasn’t on correctly and is was strangling him.
Another time, Tony went into the bedroom and Carl shot him in the throat with a
pellet gun! Carl loved messing with things so one day he was filling up a gas lighter
and some of the fluid escaped onto the bed, next minute he tried the lighter and
‘boom’ his bed was on fire which he tried to hide from his mum by just turning the
cover over. It’s probably not the place and time to repeat Hazel’s words but for
everybody who knew Hazel you can imagine because she certainly didn’t mince her
Once when Hazel thought it was time to decorate the bedroom, she took the dart
board of the wall and next minute she bellowed “Carl come here what’s this” .. he had
only been shooting pellets in the wall!
We could share so many funny stories today, but one last story is about Carl and
Philip when they were in the pub one Thursday dinner time. Carl had got a tattoo the
day before and he said to Philip, “I bet you daren’t have one but then Philip being
Philip said, “yeah no problem!” so Carl took him to Roy’s on Nantwich Road and
Philip went ahead with it! On the way home they were talking, and Philip said “don’t
say anything when we get in!” Carl being the joker decided to say to Hazel “Mum
Philips got something to tell you, he’s had a tattoo” and with that, he went off to bed
leaving Philip to get an ear bashing off his mum!
1983 he met Mandy and his eldest daughter Rebecca was born in 1984. They
initially lived in Cromer Drive then Danebank Avenue. Mandy shared Carl’s interest
in cars and would spend many weekends helping out him and Keith with the repairs.
They also enjoyed some lovely holidays together including a trip to Canada with
Keith and Hazel. Whilst in Canada he stayed with his Auntie Norma and spent some
time with his cousin.
Carl and Mandy were married for a short time, but their relationship came to an end
a few years later. Carl then met the love of his life Clare whilst working at Fodens.
They hit it off straight away and in 1994, bought 36 Reid Street. They then welcomed
Rachel into the world in 1995 and as their love grew deeper, they got married in
Cyprus with close family and friends present in 1998. Gabby arrived shortly after in
In 2002 Carl’s daughter Jenny was welcomed into the family which brought the total
of girls to four but he loved each one every day.
Over the years, the family thoroughly enjoyed many fun filled caravan holidays
together and Hazel sometimes went along for the ride. And all of you knew how
eventful they were! They also went abroad to Cyprus, Turkey, Rhodes and Greece.
Although Carl was renowned for being very handy and good at fixing things, he
wasn’t as reliable when it came to the girls. He notoriously dropped them all as
babies and during some holidays Carl lost the girls from sight once or twice, with
Rebecca it was in Canada in a Toys R Us, with Gabby it was in the sea, she was
actually behind him and as he went into panic mode, he only realised she was right
behind him when Clare returned from the toilet with Rachel. Jenny on the other
hand was not easily lost, he spent numerous nights trying to keep her in the house to
her dismay.
Carl’s mum Hazel never got to meet her first great grandchild, she sadly passed
away in 2013 shortly before Jessica was born.
Carl dearly loved his two grandchildren, and they returned his love in abundance,
falling for his tricks and laughing at the random things he did. To say he will be
missed by them would be an understatement. Carl would often be pushed out of the
way so that they could watch his iPad and listen to silly YouTube videos. And he
used to try and persuade them to swap the fiver they had just swiped out of his
pocket for a pound because he claimed the pound was gold and shiny and worth
more; they never fell for it but he did try.
Over the years the girls asked for a dog and each time Carl said no. But eventually
they got their own way introducing and along came Luna, another girl! But she and
Carl built up a great bond and he would often wake up on the chair with her on top of
his head. After Luna arrived, he used to sit and watch Beagle videos for hours on
end, stalking a puppy for months!
In his free time Carl enjoyed meeting with friends in the Albert and the Borough with
visits from his grandchildren at the weekends. He was also a member of the Rifle
club which became a new hobby. He did do some funny things, like sleeping in the
garden and he often woke in the middle of the night because of it.
Clare remembers the time he returned home with what he thought was an absolute
bargain. To Clare’s dismay it was an oversized Carling pub brolly and cost forty
pounds. He liked watching comedians; his favourite was Jimmy Carr as he shared
the same sense of humour (rude and offensive!)
He used to sing loudly with his earphones in whilst Clare and the girls were trying to
watch TV, and there are many hilarious videos of him doing it.
He also used to dance around the living room when he had one too many and he
wasn’t the best dancer as you’ll be able to see on his visual tribute.
Carl had a knack of starting jobs and only completing half of them. His classic
saying was “i’ll do it later” which never happened.
He was grumpy and took on the name “grumparse” from his own father Keith. He
even used it on his Netflix account as he knew it suited him.
He was an opinionated, head strong man with no filter and everyone who knew him
would agree. There was never a head to mouth filter and often offended people
without another thought. He cared deeply for his family but often only showed this in
his own way. But he loved his girls more than anything and always wanted to know
they were Ok.
In 2019 Carl experienced a cardiac arrest at work. His colleagues aided him until the
air Ambulance arrived. He had three stents fitted during lifesaving surgery and
during the following years he was stable, but he started with a short illness which
resulted in the loss of his life due to heart failure on the 27th March 2021.
Philip wanted everyone to know that Carl was a good brother, a person he looked up
to and will forever love and miss. He will be sadly missed by all who had the
pleasure of knowing him and his family will forever hold him in their hearts and
thoughts forever.
I met Carl 30 years ago. He and my now husband John were enjoying an evening out. We all chatted and laughed a lot. Carl was our best man at our wedding. Life moves on and the years pass quickly. Family’s and work commitments mean not meeting in the pub like they used to, but good friends are always there. So when they saw each other it was like last week. R. I. P. Carl.
- Approved by oconnellSo sorry to hear about your passing Carl, you were our Best Man. We grew up together from Tottys Hall and Brookhouse to adulthood. Always laughing at the world and each other. Camping in the gardens and fields and then with our motorbikes North Wales. When I heard the news, those far away times came back into focus, as if they were yesterday, so sad that we can’t bring them back again. Thanks for the memories my lifelong friend.
- Approved by oconnell