Doris Latham
“Your life was a blessing. Your memory a treasure.”
Date passed: 8th of June 2022
Funeral date: 28th of June 2022

“Your life was a blessing. Your memory a treasure.”
Doris sadly passed away peacefully in the care of Leighton Hospital on 8th June 2022 aged 94 years.
The beloved Wife of the late Alan. Much loved Mum to Jennifer, Bryn & Paul. Also a cherished Nan & Great
Nan. Doris will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all her family & friends.
On the face of it you might think the odds were stacked against Doris from the beginning, given her early years upheavals. But Doris was not one who lacked resilience. Despite a disrupted education, she could hold her own in any conversation, came across as well read, could answer any quiz question. And although she was orphaned in infancy, she learned to appreciate and cherish family life when absorbed into the family of her grandmother, aunties and uncles living in New Brighton across the water from Liverpool where she had been born.
Liverpool remained in plain sight and was easy to reach, so she didn’t have far to go to experience its rich tapestry of life. All her life she has retained her love of Liverpool. Later she did her best to pass on something of that connection to her grandchildren, making sure she took each one in turn on the “Ferry cross the Mersey”.
War brought bombs over Merseyside. The family home in New Brighton was bombed and the whole family moved to live in Haslington, where there were already relatives. So a whole new life opened up, thanks to that particular bomb in that air raid. A life in the countryside – almost a new world. She perhaps can date her love of countryside from that move to Haslington during the war.
So how did Doris meet Alan? Well, Doris was working in Rolls Royce where she made friends with Clive and Edna. Clive arranged a blind date for Doris and Alan – and the rest is, as they say, is history. It was love at first sight! He was considered a bit of a catch and apparently several girls’ noses were put out of joint. But everyone could see it was a match made in heaven. The wedding was in 1949, with those friends Clive and Edna as witnesses, and honeymoon in New Brighton. This was to be a model marriage we might say, in which they were blissfully happy, and the bar was set very high for their children.
Doris and Alan built a very happy home for their 3 children – Jen, Bryn and Paul. This was a home full of laughter, music and general chatter. Doris had loved to sing – classics, folk songs, pop tunes, often singing along to a vinyl record. The record player fortunately did not mind what was put on the turntable.
Then there were the very memorable camping holidays in North Wales, often joined by Terry, cousin to the 3 children, their Nan, and other relatives.
Doris enjoyed a BBQ. One in particular she was not allowed to forget. She had been warning others to avoid the gazebo guy ropes and then promptly tripped over them herself.
It was a cruel blow when Alan died suddenly aged just 50. Doris was devastated and there has been ever since a missing part to her life. But Doris with her cheerful resilience, painted on a smile and forged a new lifestyle devoted to her grandchildren. She became a prolific jumper knitter, baby sitter, story reader, educator and “leading them astray” sort of Nan. There were 7 grandchildren in total – 7 boys and 2 girls, all equally loved. But when Doris was with Ruth and Rhiannon she became a giggly school girl herself. The years just dropped off them all, laughing sometimes at quite unsuitable things!
Then there were the 11 Great- grandchildren. She must have marvelled at the way her family was growing exponentially. Every member of this mushrooming family needs to remember how Doris has modelled for them what love is all about.
Doris could make friends easily. Her personality and confidence and generous caring nature stood her in good stead. Day-trips and holidays with friends have helped to fill that hole left by losing Alan. She developed a love for travel, especially flying, following her first trip to USA. Travel went well with another love – sunshine.
Concerts have been another love – Billy Joel, Simply Red… — you name the group and she will have been to see them. At one concert she was thought to be up to no good. A jar of jam was confiscated for fear she might use it as a missile.
Tennis, especially Wimbledon, was another passion. She was very knowledgeable about the game.
Doris had a creative streak – music and singing stand out. We give something of ourselves in our creations or artistry. We enter another dimension to life which is bigger than ourselves.
What can we say about her love of Liverpool? Let’s say this. If you love Liverpool you love diverse culture and you love people from every walk of life and background. You have an appreciation of a wonderful world – which sits well with the love of travel which Doris acquired. It’s all pretty awesome if you stop to think!
Finally – thanks to Mayfield House where the staff have treated Doris with respect and kindness. She was very happy there and never once asked to go home. Thanks also to doctors and nurses at Leighton who cared for Doris in her last days.
Doris was laid to rest with Alan – a symbol of what we hope is a reunion in the heavenly places. He has been waiting a long time for her to join him!
May they both rest in peace, reunited in their love
Her funeral will take place on Tuesday 28th June at Crewe Cemetery Chapel at 11.30am followed by Burial in Crewe
For further information and to offer your condolences, please telephone our funeral home on 01270 584447