Janet Taylor
"As you were you will always be, treasured forever in our memory"
Date passed: 18th of May 2021
Funeral date: 28th of May 2021

“As you were you will always be, treasured forever in our memory”
Janet passed away at home surrounded by the care and love of her family on 18th May 2021 aged 79 years.
The Beloved Wife of Fred. Much loved Mum to Kym & Steven. Cherished Nan to Lucy, Billy, Chloe & Toby and a Great Nan to Teigan, Cain, Jackson & Albert.
A service to celebrate Janet’s life was held at the Crematorium Chapel, Crewe on Friday 28th May 2021.
For further information about Janet’s funeral, and to offer your condolences, please telephone our Funeral Home on 01270 584447
Janet’s husband Freddy writes a tribute in honour of the wife he adored.
I first met Janet in 1986 through a mutual friend and we used to see each other on
most Friday nights, when Janet was out with her friend and me out with our mutual
friend. We used to enjoy a general natter with each other, but at that time, neither of
us had any thoughts of romance. We finally got together at a party arranged by our
mutual friend to celebrate what I think was an anniversary in 1989. The romance
finally ignited, and blossomed so much, we became partners living under the same
roof. This arrangement lasted until 1995, when we both decided marriage was the
next logical and desirable step in our ever-flourishing relationship.
Hence, we married in 1995 one of my truly inspired decisions. Janet’s passing will
leave a very big hole in a lot of people’s lives, these people range from her own
wider family and the huge number she readily be friended throughout her life.
Her appeal to the those who will miss her the most isn’t based on any particular high
achievement, rather, just the fact that she was Janet, who could be described as one
of life’s extremely rare, true ladies. Even if her popularity been the result of some
high achievement in life, she would never have wanted to broadcast the fact.
It is decades since we last had a holiday because we came to realise but we were
totally content in our own living environment. Wanting to be somewhere else didn’t
quite make sense. We learned this valuable lesson after a few holidays abroad.
After arriving at the holiday destination for a fourteen day stay, by day two, we would
find ourselves counting down the days to our return flight.
This might seem strange to most people, but that was a major influencing factor for
our holiday location preferences. In 1993 we moved to Craig Y Don, it is rurally
situated in a small enclave of five other properties and all the occupants are
incredibly friendly, kind and generous neighbours.
Craig Y Don very quickly became our own heaven on earth. So, bearing that in
mind, why would we want to be anywhere else, possibly with company we didn’t
want to be with, in a place we didn’t want to be in instead of the welcoming friendly
environment we are fortunate enough to call our home.
Janet’s home life centred around her family especially her granddaughter and great
grandchildren but all her wider family were very dear to her. She also thoroughly
enjoyed her garden. Up until around two years ago when her failing health
prevented her from being as actively involved in the garden as she had been, she
used to do all the shed and fence painting and power washing, as well as watching
the garden in our infrequent dry spells.
Despite her obvious commitment to her garden, I think if I had to name her favourite
pastime, it was probably her dog walking. Although she sometimes varied her dog
walking route it was mostly across the Dorfold Hall Estate; a real dog walkers
paradise, where all obedient dogs were leadfree and it was totally free from traffic
except for an occasional tractor.
She met many of her dog walkers, all of whom became more than just passing
acquaintances, including the local vicar. There were a few more who became long
lasting and firm friends.
I could go on and on about Janet’s almost saintly existence, but all of the people who
knew her well would be fully aware of her agony aunt status without a prompt from
Finally, Janet did sometimes get her words mixed up, this anomaly didn’t detract
from her appeal; in fact, it endeared her more. Shortly after we moved to Craig Y
Don our immediate neighbour owned a small field which adjoined our boundary
hedge and he leased to a local beekeeper.
One day bees from one of the hives swarmed and settled in our pear tree. We got in
touch with the local bee keeping society who sent two men to retrieve and return the
bees to their hive.
A day or so later a man appeared at our door introducing himself as Mr Swan the
beekeeper offering apologies for the inconvenience caused by his bees. Janet
answered the door and passed the message to me in another room, “it’s Mr Bee the
swan keeper!” There were laughs all round Janet’s being the loudest and longest of
May she Rest in Peace