Jeremiah Joseph Cambridge
“It’s all our memories that will keep you near.”
Date passed: 6th of July 2021
Funeral date: 19th of July 2021

“It’s all our memories that will keep you near.”
Jerry fell asleep at St Luke’s on 6th July 2021 aged 77 years.
The Beloved Dad of Hazel & Devoted Grandad of Eathan, Carter & Brooke.
Jeremiah Joseph Cambridge, fondly known as Jerry, a devoted Grandad to Ethan, Carter and Brooke.
His beloved daughter Hazel was his absolute world, and he was her rock. She described her dad as loving, caring and generous, but he was incredibly strict, not just during her childhood either, he firmly believed children should watch their manners, sit and behave, and the old saying springs to mind, ‘be seen and not heard’ and that continued with his grandchildren it never did Hazel any harm.
Jerry was seventy-seven years young, he had travelled the world and probably had many more places to visit but after struggling with a bad leg, he was diagnosed with Motor Neurones.
Going back to where it all began, Jerry was welcomed into the world by his mum Nellie and Pops, Jeremiah (senior). Living in Cork, Jerry was the youngest of seven siblings; Mary, Ann and Lena are still in Ireland, but Jerry was the last surviving boy, his brothers Dinny, Tommy and John all passed away.
Jerry wasn’t an academic child in fact, I gather he hated school and at thirteen he abandoned his schoolbooks to go apple picking! He did enjoy music and socialising though and loved to go to the dance halls.
At the age of twenty-one, Jerry opened up a whole new chapter in his life. He moved to England and whilst living with his brother John in Stoke on Trent, Jerry started work in a factory and met his first wife Hazel.
He and Hazel became licencees and ran several pubs together but after their marriage ended, Jerry didn’t have to look farther than the kitchen to fall in love with Louise and their daughter Hazel was born on 12th August 1989.
Jerry continued as a publican, but Hazel remembers he sustained a back injury and retired from the trade when she was around four or five years old. His bad back never stopped his passion for travel though. She has such fond memories of their trips to all corners of the world including amazing destinations such as India, Florida, Gambia, Thailand and Australia, the list is endless.
Hazel fondly recalls the time she went into the hotel lounge to find her dad and grandad Mick incredibly drunk. She followed them as they staggered back to their hotel rooms and couldn’t believe her eyes when they both walked into a set of patio doors thinking they were open!
Then Jerry propped Mick up against his bedroom door, knocked loudly then legged it and as her Nan answered the door, her granddad fell straight through in a drunken heap!
And in India she remembers they hired a moped. Her dad veered off into a ditch but as the engine kept running, he totally lost control and they crashed into the wooden shops. She survived unscathed but her dad was covered in cuts and grazes and when some of the women tended to his wounds with vinegar, he wasn’t best pleased!
And there was the time he climbed Sydney Bridge in Australia and he also took Ethan to Egypt.
Jerry was delighted to become a grandad and loved taking his grandkids shopping especially on a double decker bus and despite his strict side, he totally spoilt them.
Other than his passion for travel he also enjoyed watching the old classic comedies on TV like Only Fools and Horses and Mash. He also liked a good western and a pint (or few!) down the pub. And he loved to moan at Hazel! Whenever she asked why he was moaning – he would say it keeps him going!
His funeral will take place on Monday 19th July at Crewe Crematorium Chapel.
Donations in memory of Jerry are going to St Luke’s Hospice.
For further information about Jerry’s funeral, and to offer your condolences, please telephone our Funeral Home on 01270 584447