Joan Billington
"She died as she lived with love and grace"
Date passed: 4th of December 2019

“She died as she lived with love and grace”
Life began for Joan on Saturday 26th of May 1934 in Nantwich. At school she was a popular girl with teachers and fellow pupils alike. She was a determined girl with a very kind heart, something that would stay with her for the rest of her life. After leaving school she had a few jobs, one being at Doodies Clothing factory (Those of you of a certain age will remember this factory.) She mixed well and had many friends. It was probably while she was here that she met her first husband to be, Brian and from that marriage she had two children, Paul and Adrian. Brian died in his mid forties. She worked hard throughout her life. Joan also worked for MMU College and also River Island. She liked her job so much there that she worked well after her 70th birthday. She was broadminded and became a good confidant to the girls. She was a lifelong member of the NUR social club on Nantwich Road and went on many trips with them to Blackpool and all over the country. Her second husband David passed away a few years ago, they were made for each other and perhaps more than we know. She found life difficult without him. She enjoyed her holidays to Benidorm, but her greatest joy was being with her grandchildren. so as Adrian and his wife Jane, Kyle,Annabel, Noeme,
Mael and her friends say goodbye to this kind lovely lady, that has always been there for them, they know they have been blessed by her life.
May she rest in peace