Joseph Hickson
Date passed: 23rd of August 2023
Funeral date: 4th of September 2023

“A daily thought, a silent tear, a constant wish that you were here.”
Joseph passed away at Lawton Manor Nursing Home on the 23rd August aged 90 years.
The beloved husband of Doris, much loved dad the Philip. Also a cherished grandad, great grandad and dearest brother to be Edna who will be fondly remembered and so sadly missed by all his family and friends.
Joseph’s funeral will take place at Walton Lea Crematorium on Monday 4 September at 4pm
Donations in memory of Joseph will be gratefully received for the RSPCA.
Joe represented the old guard. He had grown up during the war in pretty tough times. He had learned to take it all on the chin, to be extra careful with money, to live frugally. He also learned the importance of hard work. This became a clear feature of his life.
He wanted to serve his country, of which he had been so patriotically proud, by way of joining the Navy, but a medical condition prevented that. He continued his time with the Sea Cadets taking his membership very seriously. This was something of which he was very proud of until the end of his life.
Family-wise, Joe was the youngest of 5 children. Only Edna, to whom he was very close, now remains with us. She was able to attend the funeral service in Walton Lea Crematorium on the outskirts of Warrington. She holds many memories of their time together, going back to childhood games, and having fun, in the air raid shelter during the war.
Joe’s marriage to Doris in 1954 when he was 21 in due course brought Philip into the world. Now this family grows with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Joe had been a big part of the early years of grandchildren Kay and Abbie. They will take forward in their future lives many happy memories. A great grandchild – Oliver – was able to attend the funeral.
It was a sad blow for Joe when he lost Doris in 2004. They had had 50 years of marriage together. But in death they are reunited, and as a symbol of that reunion in the heavenly places their ashes are to be placed together. Love has an eternal ring to it.
A close second to family in terms of priorities was Joe’s love of pets and animals generally. That dimension of his life was represented in the pictures of animals on the service sheet, and in the invitation to make a donation in Joe’s and Doris’s memory to the RSPCA. There is a tenderness about people like Joe who love animals.
Joe used to work very long hours, as indeed did Doris. Long hours in The Golden Dragon in Warrington, and the Fish and Chip shop in Grappenhall, and elsewhere. In fact, it was only in his late 70s he completely stopped working and started to contemplate retirement.
There were no holidays! At best there would be a little bit of relaxation time socialising with friends and relatives. Some food, plenty of drinks!
A possibility for music at the funeral could have been the theme music from Benny Hill. That series used to keep him chuckling! If they keep a few repeats up in heaven Joe will be having plenty of laughs. Another music possibility could have been Steptoe theme music. This would have represented Joe’s interest in being careful with money and keeping an eye out for a bargain.
Joe was able to lead a very independent long life until quite recently, despite some recurring health problems. It is only really these last 3 years where his decline has required the services of others. We say THANK YOU to Valleywood Care, to Leighton Hospital, and to Lawton Manor Care Home. Joe would also want to say thank you to his son Philip and Philip’s wife Donna for the support they have given.
Joe made it on time for his funeral service, despite predictions that his poor timekeeping would mean he would be late yet again. But “Time stands still for no man”, not even Joe. May he rest in peace.
For further details please call: 01270 584447