Joyce Dickinson

“Those we love are precious”
Joyce passed away peacefully aged 88 at Bentley Manor Care Home on Saturday 13th January with her devoted family at her bedside. The beloved wife of Terry, devoted Mum of Carole, Jane and Michael, Cherished gran of Kevin , Ian, Bal and Uma and loved great granny of Abigail.
Her funeral will take place on Friday 9th February at 11.30am at The Crematorium Chapel Crewe, The family invite you to wear bright colours if you feel comfortable to do so.
Family flowers only please. Donations in memory of Joyce will be gratefully received for The British Heart Foundation and Bentley Manor Care Home.
For further enquiries please call 01270 584447
So sorry to hear about Joyce such a lovely lady inside and out, my deapest sympathy to Terry and family on your terible loss she will be so sadly missed, R I P Joyce lovely lady💜
Aww Val, thankyou for your kind words
Love Carole x