Lilian Reynolds
“A daily thought, a silent tear, a constant wish that you were here.”
Date passed: 19th of July 2022
Funeral date: 4th of August 2022

“A daily thought, a silent tear, a constant wish that you were here.”
Lilian passed away peacefully in the care of Leighton Hospital on 19th July 2022 aged 90 years.
The beloved wife of the late Lawrence Frank. Much loved mum to Gill. Cherished nan to Lisa and her husband John. Dearest sister to Violet.
Lilian will be so sadly missed and fondly remembered.
Lilian’s funeral will take place on Thursday 4th August 2022 at Crewe Crematorium Chapel at 12.15
Family have requested, if you feel comfortable, to wear Pink.
Kind donations are for the Stroke Unit at Leighton Hospital.
For further information and to offer your condolences, please telephone our funeral home on 01270 584447