Robert Carl Brown

“Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure.”
Robert Carl Brown. Crewe Crem Monday 22 Feb 2021 12.15, followed by burial at Meadow Brook.
Today we remember Robert (or Rob or Choco, but not Bob!) so well known to very many in Crewe. A true son of Crewe who was more than content to make this, the town of his birth in 1958, his home for life. But that did not stop him being a big Manchester United supporter. If you didn’t know that before, the colour people are wearing today should have given you a clue, and if that wasn’t sufficient you certainly found out as you came in the door today and heard “Glory Glory Man United”.
Our thoughts and sympathies are especially at this time with Wendy, Rob’s beloved wife, and his daughter Melissa and son Alan. He was to his children the perfect “hands on” dad. But let’s not forget grandchildren, god-children, nephews and nieces, great-nephews and nieces, his mother Mary, his surviving three siblings Stephen Michelle and Dawn. Quite a list of family people to whom he was very close. We have heard from a couple of them –Melissa and Kirsty a niece – who have read poetry for him in tribute. They represent all family members mourning his passing.
It is difficult to draw attention to particular relationships, but let’s just say that Rob broke the mould in his relationship with his mother-in-law Barbara. Apparently they really did get on. So no mother-in-law jokes today please!
It will be extremely hard for all of them to come to terms with this devastating loss. Some will feel it is impossible. But let’s hope that this ceremony today will help them all on the road to acceptance and working through their grief, and the multitude of rollercoaster emotions.
But of course it is not only family who will be struggling with this. Close friends will be missing him – like Greggs, a very close friend and one of the pall bearers. Many others will be remembering his 15 years at The British Lion, popularly known as The Pig, assisted by Wendy. They will remember a popular, helpful and approachable face who befriended all, who could talk to anybody, who knew a thing or two about real ale. By the way, he was not averse to the taste himself, and was sure to have an emergency fiver in his back pocket just in case.
Many will remember him playing Darts and Dominoes – not just in The Pig, of course. Some will recall that he was a founder member of the British Lion Golf Society, and will have happy memories of travelling with him to play at some famous golf courses. Going back, some will recall that he was manager in a local football league.
If you are behind the bar you are doing much more than pouring drinks. You are part of a social enterprise which is potentially upholding people. Folks confide in you, look to you for wisdom, even counselling, want to share a joke with you, and so on. You are part of the life of the pub. And Rob enjoyed it all.
I want to tell you a true story. A friend of mine used to be a regular in the Pig and one day took his father-in-law for a drink there for the first time. Rob had never seen this gent before, but went out of his way to make him feel welcome. He welcomed a total stranger. The father-in-law remarked afterwards how much he appreciated the way he had been treated.
There will be lots of other similar personal stories that could be told, I am absolutely sure. They would illustrate the friendly qualities of this man behind the bar, and the significance this potentially had.
There is a message there for all of us. Many of us have opportunities to befriend, to support, to encourage – whether in special or everyday situations. Use those opportunities. Follow Rob’s lead. Be that helpful cheerful caring face.
Rob actually spent more years previously working for BR in the Booking Office, than in The Pig. I cannot tell you any particular stories about his time there, but I would like to bet that he used to do his best to help folk with their ticket enquiries in a kindly way.
Rob’s calm, caring and thoughtful qualities have, I think, been passed to his children and hopefully future generations. I noted that Emily, 7 year old grandchild, showed a caring side towards her little sister the other day, despite a scratch she had just received. See what I mean about passing on caring qualities.
Rob had an obvious fun-loving side. He was really a big kid at heart – very obvious when he took his family to Disney in Florida. He was in his element.
His philosophy was that life was there to be enjoyed, and he worked hard to make it happen. Ill health for many years meant it was harder to achieve things, but he was a fighter. It did not please him that Wendy has been the breadwinner in recent years when he has been too ill to work, though she was happy to do her best for the love of her life.
He has not willingly left his loving family and this place which he was pleased to call home. 62 is too young to go – another Covid death too many.
But he does not want you to be sadder than is inevitable given your love for him. The love you shared with him has an eternal quality to it – as a million love songs will tell you. Today and in the future, he wants you to love life and people like he did. To love and cherish your family. To be a friend and good neighbour to others.
He bequeaths you great memories which will help to sustain you going forward. Now they are precious beyond price. They might bring a few tears to your eyes, but they will bring many more smiles in the future I promise you.
In the love you shared with him, those who love him will see him again.
On 1st February 2021, Robert passed away aged 62 years.
His funeral service will took place on Monday 22nd February at Crewe Crematorium followed by an interment at Meadowbrook Cemetery.
He will be very sadly missed by all who knew him.
Donations were gratefully accepted for the Diabetic Podiatry Clinic at Eagle Bridge Medical Centre in memory of Robert.
Rest in peace Rob you will be greatly missed love and miss you bruv xxxxxxxxx ❤️ xxxxxxxxx ❤️ Sharon Steve Kirsty nathanPaul corinne Chloe Amelia isla much loved uncle and great uncle xx
- Approved by oconnellRest in piece Rob much loved bruv brother in law uncle and great uncle will be greatly missed XXX love Stephen Sharon Kirsty Nathan Paul Corinne Chloe Amelia isla xxxxxxxxx ❤️ xxxxxxxxx ❤️
- Approved by oconnell