Tona Talbot
"No need for words except to say, loved and remembered every day."
Date passed: 24th of May 2022
Funeral date: 13th of June 2022

“No need for words except to say, loved and remembered every day.”
Tona sadly passed away on 24th May at her home with her loving family by her side, aged 81 years.
A beloved wife, devoted mother and cherished grandma and great grandma, who will be sadly missed but lovingly remembered by all who knew her.
A service to celebrate the life on Tona will take place in the Crematorium Chapel, Crewe on Monday 13th June at 12.15pm, followed by cremation.
Donations in memory of Tona will be gratefully received on behalf of MacMillan.
For any further information please contact our funeral home on 01270 584447.
Tona and Stan were blessed with sixty-two years of married life, together they
tackled the best and worst that life presented them with and with a rock-solid man by
her side, they built solid foundations to provide their children with the best in life. Her
ultimate achievement was being a cherished mum to Paul, Adam and her darling son
Ian who died long before she was ready to say goodbye. She loved all her
grandchildren and step grandchildren, Victoria, Leonie, Tamara, Eefi and the late
Ben, Jenna and Olivia and great grandchild, Ada Rae.
She was incredibly hardworking, and Stan told us his beautiful wife was always
immaculately presented and smartly dressed as were her children. She was the
best mother anyone could have wished for who showered her kids with love and
precious time, making sure they had everything they needed.
Both Paul and Adam paid tribute by saying they they were all brought up in a stable
loving home where they were always the priority. The felt safe and secure and loved
by parents who could not have done more. Ian too, would be full of love for his
Tona enjoyed relatively good health until two and a half years ago, she loved to walk
around the village, chatting with everyone on the way and was incredibly popular and
well loved by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. She fell ill and was
diagnosed with bowel cancer, a cruel life shortening illness but Tona remained
Tona embraced life to the full, she loved sunbathing, knitting and sewing, making
most of the boy’s clothes. She and Stan were both keen swimmers and whereas
many people around that time went on their first date to the cinema or dancing Stan
and Tona went to the local swimming baths on Flag Lane in Crewe.
They continued their passion for swimming for many years, in fact Tona was still
committed to her regular exercise until well into her seventies and had she not
become ill, she would still be going every Wednesday.
She was a creature of habit and had a non-negotiable strict routine for daily chores.
Certain jobs like washing, cleaning and shopping had to be done on allocated days.
When she and Stan moved into Primrose Avenue, it seems everyone was totally
shocked to find out the wetsuits hanging outside belonged to a couple in their sixties.
Tona and Stan followed a rigorous fitness regime, she took vitamins and cod liver oil
and they always had regular home cooked meals using quality ingredients. The
enjoyed cycling and often went to Delamere. Even after Tona had her bowel
removed, she took her consultants advice and in preparation for her next operation,
she attacked that exercise bike!
Born at home and brought up in Crewe, Tona lived with her parents Jack and Lily
and siblings, Ramona, Maureen, Ann, Jill and Jim at 73 Catherine Street in Crewe.
After leaving school, she started work in Williams Shoe Shop on Flag Lane and
although she loved the customer facing role, her best memory of working there was
meeting the love of her life Stan who was helping to install the central heating!
That chance meeting led to them exchanging their lasting vows at St Andrews
Church in Crewe in 1960. After their marriage, she and Stan set up home at 58
Ridgeway Street in Crewe and lived there for almost forty years.
They were both blessed with a happy life, they enjoyed dancing together and of
course swimming and became doting parents to the three boys, Paul in 1960, Ian in
1964 and Adam in 1967 and Tona happily became a full-time mum and housewife.
Around 1978, she returned to work at a local children’s home on Nantwich Road in
Crewe called Sunnyside and when it closed some years later, Tona continued in a
caring role but with elderly residents at Manor Way Care Home until she retired at
the age of sixty-two by which time, all three boys had flown the nest and Stan and
Tona had moved to their current house in Haslington, the house they called home for
the last twenty three years. Tona first became a doting grandmother in 1983 ad
shortly before she passed away, she had the joy of holding Ada Rae in her arms.
Over the years, the family created many special holiday memories. When Paul was
small, they went to North Wales and Devon then started to go to the gorgeous
coastal locations in Cornwall like Perranporth and St Ives and she loved to visit local
churches when she was in different areas. Had money been no object, Stan and
Tona would have retired to Cornwall.
In later years they also took the grandchildren to places like St Ives and Newquay as
well as enjoyable holidays abroad.
May she rest in peace.