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Jean Jackson

“You will always be in our hearts and wherever we go, and whatever we do, we will take you with us”

Date passed away 17th August 2020

Funeral date 1st September 2020


Jean was born in Newcastle-under-Lyme in April 1929 to Wyn and Ernie Harrison. She had two sisters, Margery and Wendy, and a brother Michael.

When Jean was eight, the family moved to Crewe, where Jean lived for the next 83 years. She met her husband, Bernard, when he was working with her father at Slack and Mickle Garage. They married in 1950, and had a daughter, Linda and a son, Peter. They encouraged Linda and Peter to strive in their academic studies, and to take advantage of all that was available. Sadly Bernard died in 1974 at the age of 48. Jean continued to support Linda and Peter, and was immensely proud of all that they and their children achieved.

After many years on her own, Jean met Eric Cornes, also widowed, and they spent a very happy 20 years together until Eric’s death in 2008. Jean always said that she was a very fortunate woman to have had two wonderful men in her life.

Jean trained as a shorthand typist, and worked at Calmic, Market Street Minerals and finally Chester Barrie (later Austin Reed), where she worked for 20 years, rising through the ranks to eventually become production manager.

Jean belonged to many organisations- the Townswomen’s’ Guild, the Widows’ Association, Palgo Rambling Club, the Samaritans, two U3A groups, Friends of Richmond Village and was a founder member of Crewe Dance Club. She and Eric loved to dance, and enjoyed teaching both at the Dance club, and at the U3A dance group. Jean organised many trips both in the UK and abroad for Chester Barrie and the Dance Club, and thrived on the challenge of getting 50+ people there and back!

Jean had a positive attitude to life and her life was one of joy and fulfilment.

2 Condolences

  1. Richmond Village Bowling Club, Nantwich on August 31, 2020 at 10:17 am

    Jean was associated with Richmond Village, Nantwich for many many years. A keen participant in many activities including her membership of Richmond Village Bowling Club, Jean never seemed happier than when she was helping others enjoy themselves.
    Our Captain tells of the time he played Jean in a competition. Having established a comfortable lead, he made two mistakes. First, he relaxed. Then, he underestimated Jean’s indominateble fighting spirit and determination .. he lost!
    Thank you Jean for all you contributed to Richmond Village, Nantwich in particular RVBC, over the years. Ill health took you away from us awhile ago but you are still remembered with affection by those of us who remain.

    Rob Hinze
    Chair, RVBC
    on behalf of members passed and present.

    - Approved by oconnell
  2. Wendy on September 3, 2020 at 4:41 pm

    Miss you Jean, my lovely sister, You looked after me when I was very young and carried on for the next 84 years. Thank you. We as the Whittall family have made donations to the Heart Foundation as you wished,

    - Approved by oconnell

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