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Margaret Ann Burgwin

"Loved and remembered every day"

Date passed: 3rd of May 2021

Funeral date: 17th of May 2021

“Loved and remembered every day”

Margaret passed away peacefully at Leighton Hospital on 3rd May 2021 aged 79 years.

Dearest Sister, Aunt & Friend who will be sadly missed & remembered with affection.

Margaret’s funeral will take place on Monday 17th May at Crewe Crematorium Chapel

Donations are being collected in memory of Margaret for Cancer Research.

For further information and to offer your condolences, please telephone our Funeral Home on 01270 584447.

Margaret was born on 6th October 1941 in Crewe she was one of three children born to her parents
Harry and Ivy. She has a sister Barbara and a brother Robert.
Like all siblings they had their ups and downs, their fallings out but they were a close knit family and
were always looking out for each other.
Margaret worked at McCorquodale’s as a book binder, she had several close friends and work
colleagues, and it was here that she met her close friend June.
Although Margaret never had any children of her own, she was incredibly close to her nieces; Clair,
Vicky and Emma and her nephew Paul and their children; Carley and her son Harrison, Adam, Luke
and Kayleigh taking them under her wing as though they were her own.
To many of them she was like a second mum. She was always there for them no matter what, either
in person or at the end of the telephone – calls could last for several hours, which must have
resulted in huge phone bills. She was a willing ear who would listen and give advice as best she
She was very honest and never judgmental. Sometimes her advice might not be what you wanted to
hear, but it was always given with the best on intentions. It was up to you if you followed her
suggestions or not.
If she didn’t know the answer to something she would tell you so and then would, more than likely
go online researching almost immediately. All of you have been enriched by having Margaret in your
lives and will have benefitted from her knowledge and kind nature.
The path we walk in life seems endless when we are young and the years seem to stretch out ahead
of us – never take that path for granted because one day you suddenly realise that your walk is
becoming time shortened. As we get older, it is natural to reflect more on the years that have
passed, and so it was for Margaret.
Margaret loved her holidays to Rhyl. Very often she would get more excited than the children, and
she would be in hysterics most of the time especially at the bingo.
In her quieter moments she loved her puzzles and games, so much so much so she was always given
a hard puzzle every Christmas. She loved her Nintendo and her favourite game was solving problems
for Professor Leyton. His disappointment knew no end when she wasn’t able to get the latest game I
the series as it wasn’t compliant with her older console.
She loved animals and welcomed the birds into her garden. She made sure they always had food and
water and loved to sit and watch them come and go in her garden.
She really liked dogs and although she never owned one herself, she did attempt to adopted other
people’s dogs from time to time.

May She Rest in Peace


1 Condolences

  1. Karen carr on July 31, 2021 at 9:53 am

    Only just found out about maggie/that’s what I always called her. Worked with her at Macs. Knew june too. Both loverly people. Used to do word games with her. Think of her often with love. Will be missed. Karen.

    - Approved by oconnell

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